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Flickr: Add tags to your photo stream - it's that easy

To help your photos be found by other users on Flickr, you should use tags. In doing so, you describe the content of the photo with terms that can then be used to find the photos in searches. You can add tags in the photostream.

Adding tags in the Flickr photostream

Tags work on the same principle as hashtags on Twitter or Instagram. Tags are terms that describe the content or subject of a photo. Tags allow users to search for specific photos and discover new images from other users. If you want your photos to be seen on Flickr, you should also use tags. When choosing tags, make sure they are as generic as possible. You should also always use the correct spelling. It can also be helpful to set tags in different languages. Most users on Flickr speak English and therefore look for tags in English.

How to set tags in the photostream

  1. Open the Flickr website in your browser.
  2. Click "You" in the top left menu.
  3. Select "Photostream".
  4. Klicken Sie auf ein Foto, bei dem Sie Tags hinzufügen möchten.
  5. Wählen Sie „Neue Tags hinzufügen“.
  6. Geben Sie unter dem Beitrag die gewünschten Tags ein.
  7. Wählen Sie „Speichern“.
  8. Verfahren Sie so, bis Sie fertig sind.

By Apthorp

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