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Printer does not recognize cartridge: solution

If the printer does not recognize the cartridge, this can have quite different causes. The fault can lie both with the cartridge and with the printer itself. While a defective cartridge can be exchanged, the manufacturer's customer service usually has to help if the problem is on the printer's side.

Check and insert cartridge carefully

First check whether the cartridge is suitable for your printer at all. If the cartridge looks damaged or even leaks, you can exchange the cartridge, since the printer usually does not recognize a defective cartridge.If necessary, you must clean your printer so that it can properly recognize the cartridge. To do this, remove the cartridge box completely and run warm, distilled water over the nozzles until the water no longer runs off discolored by the printer ink. But there are other points to which you should pay attention.
  1. Look closely at the cartridge and check whether there are still protective films on it. Remove these if necessary. Pay close attention to the chip by which the printer recognizes the cartridge. Auf diesem dürfen keine Verpackungsreste sein.
  2. Achten Sie beim Einsetzen der Patrone auf die Gebrauchsanweisung, um Fehler an dieser Stelle zu vermeiden.
  3. Liegt der Fehler am Druckkopf, muss dieser zunächst entnommen und ebenfalls mit destilliertem Wasser gereinigt werden.
  4. Bevor Sie den Kundenservice kontaktieren, überprüfen Sie bei einem Drucker mit digitaler Anzeige auch den Fehlercode, der angezeigt wird. Über die Gebrauchsanweisung können Sie eventuell das Problem finden.

By Krystalle Hegwein

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