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PlayStation 4: Create new user

On the PlayStation 4, you have the option to create multiple users. This allows the console to clearly separate which user can use certain apps or games and who cannot. You can also easily separate game saves and move game content back and forth.

How to create another user on the PS4

To set up a new user on the console, there are just a few steps. To begin, start your console by either pressing the power button or the button on your controller.
  1. If you are already logged in, press the PS button on your controller again and select the "Logout" option.
  2. On the left, you will now see the New User option next to the existing accounts.
  3. Further you decide whether you want to create a guest account or a completely new user on the console.
  4. After creating you must select a name as well as a profile picture.
  5. For a guest account, all settings are automatically deleted again after logging out.
  6. Once the user has been created, you can log in to the account on PlayStation and make settings.

PlayStation Network with multiple users?

  1. Basically, you can use a single PSN account to let all users on PlayStation participate in the online action.
  2. Falls das jedoch nicht automatisch funktioniert, müssen Sie als primärer Benutzer in die Einstellungen wechseln und unter „PSN“ „Als deine primäre PS4 aktivieren“ auswählen.

By Loma Trimnell

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