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Xiaomi Mi 9: Install WhatsApp - here's how to do it

You can get the instant messenger WhatsApp app from the app store of the corresponding operating system. Before you can use the app on your Xiaomi Mi 9, you need to download and install the app first. After that, you can set up the messenger according to your preferences.

How to install WhatsApp on the Xiaomi Mi 9

The Xiaomi Mi 9 has numerous features that allow you to set and use the device according to your preferences. Besides already existing apps, you can also download and install additional apps from the corresponding store. If you want to use the instant messenger on your Xiaomi Mi 9, you also need to install this app first.
  1. Note that you need to be logged in with your Google account on the smartphone to install an app.
  2. Then go to the Google Play Store app on the device.
  3. Tap the search bar to open the keyboard. Then type "WhatsApp" in the search bar and start searching by tapping the magnifying glass icon.
  4. Now select "WhatsApp". Installieren Sie die App, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Installieren“ tippen.
  5. Nun wird die App heruntergeladen, dies kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.
  6. Sobald die Anwendung heruntergeladen und installiert wurde, können Sie diese über die „Öffnen“-Schaltfläche starten. Alternativ finden Sie die App auf Ihrem Homescreen.

By Eudocia

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