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Excel: ACTUAL NUMBER - how to check the contents for numbers

The contents of a cell in Excel can be very different depending on the input and formatting. For example, if you don't want a cell to contain characters other than a number, there are functions that allow you to check this. This is useful with large amounts of data to detect incorrect input.

ACTUAL NUMBER: How to check a cell contents for numbers

You can use the ACTUAL function to check the contents of a cell for a specific condition. This can also be a check to test if a cell is empty. This is done with the ISTLEER function. If, on the other hand, you want to know whether a cell, column, or rows contains only numbers, then the ISTZAHL function will help you.
  1. The ISTZAHL function takes at least one argument. This can be a cell or a text. This is the content that you want to check to see if it is a number.
  2. To do this, select an empty cell and enter "=ISTZAHL(A1)" in the function bar. In the parentheses, specify the cell containing the text you want to check.
  3. After the check, either "FALSE" or "TRUE" is returned in the selected cell, depending on whether it is a number or not.
  4. Be careful not to write the number in the parentheses with quotes. This will not be converted and thus treated as text. The ACTUAL number function will then always return "FALSE".

By Serrell Eddlemon

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