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Excel: IF empty - check cell contents

You have several options in Excel to check your cells for contents. The ACTUAL functions are available to you for this purpose. However, if you want a predefined action to be performed when the cell is empty, simply use the IF function in Excel.

How to use the "IF empty" query in Excel

In Excel there are many different functions and formulas. If you want to check a cell for a certain state, you use the ACTUAL functions. If you want a specific action to be taken as a result, the IF function is what you are looking for. Also, you can link the two formulas together, for example, to test whether a cell is empty and then output some text.
  1. The general syntax of the IF function is =WENN(condition; then; otherwise).
  2. Now, to include the ACTUAL function in this formula, replace the condition with the ACTUALLEER() function.
  3. For example, if you want to check whether cell A1 is empty and then output "Yes" and if it is not empty "No", then the combined formula looks like this: =If(ISTLEER(A1); "Yes"; "No").
  4. The condition is followed by the action to be performed if the cell is empty, then the action if it is not empty. Sie können neben Text noch andere Informationen ausgeben lassen, wie zum Beispiel den Wert, der sich in der zu überprüfenden Zelle befindet.

By Freudberg Cagey

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