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Satisfactory: Using Jetpack - what you need to know

In Satisfactory, your locomotion options also get better and more versatile as the game progresses. The jetpack is especially popular, allowing you to conquer the skies. We explain how it works.

Limited flight time - still practical: With Jetpack on your back you get new possibilities.

The Jetpack is a tier (6) item. So it takes a while until you can unlock the rocket backpack.

Satisfactory: Jetpack useful for multiple purposes

In addition, the aircraft becomes usable only when you are already working with oil.
  • Jetpacks require namely packed fuel (Packaged Fuel).
  • This is consumed in the air. Once you land, the jetpack recharges with fuel from your inventory.
  • You fly with the jetpack by holding down the jump button ("Space").
  • The maximum flight time is only a few seconds. The jetpack is thus less suitable for reaching very high places. However, for crossing chasms or for soft landings after deep jumps, it is all the more practical.
To make the jetpack, you need 50x Plastic, 15x Circuit Boards, 50x Rubber and 25x Cable. Packaged Fuel you make in a refinery from empty canisters (Empty Canister) and Fuel (fuel). Dafür wiederum benötigen Sie Kunststoff (Plastic) und Rohöl. Die Produktionskette für den Betrieb eines Jetpacks ist somit nicht allzu kurz, doch die Arbeit lohnt sich.

By Currey

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