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Mac: Set folder for screenshots

By default, on Mac all screenshots are stored directly on the desktop of the device. However, creating a new folder for the screenshots and saving the images there is possible in a few steps. We show you how to do it.

Set folder: How to take a screenshot on Mac

If you have a Mac running macOS Mojave, you can take a screenshot of your Mac screen using a keyboard shortcut. To do so, press "Shift" + "CMD" + "5" simultaneously to open the screen capture controls. Then select the appropriate icon to capture the entire screen, a window, or a selected area, and click "Capture" to take the screenshot.

How to set the folder for screenshots on Mac

Once you have taken a screenshot on your Mac, it is automatically saved to the Desktop. To choose a different folder to save it instead, please follow these steps:
  1. First, right-click on your desktop to open the context menu and select the "New Folder" option to create a new folder.
  2. Set a name for the folder and then open Terminal. To do this, simply open the Spotlight search on the device, enter "Terminal" as the search term, and click the corresponding result.
  3. In Terminal, please enter the command "defaults write com.apple.screencapture location /Users/your username/location/name of new folder; killall SystemUIServer", replacing "location" with the desired location.
  4. After you confirm your input with the "Enter" key, all your screenshots will be saved in the new folder.

By Stempien

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