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When does Disney Plus charge? You need to know

Before you sign up for a subscription, you as a buyer naturally want to know when and what charges are coming your way. Disney Plus is no different than other streaming services. So the timing of when you sign up for your subscription is an important date.

Disney Plus: Overview of costs

Disney Plus has only been available in Germany since March 24. Users who have created an account before this date, get away a little cheaper.
  1. If you have registered before March 24 at Disney Plus, you can take out an annual subscription of 59.99 euros and another 10 euros.
  2. Users who create an account after this date, pay the regular 69.99 euros.
  3. By the way, Disney Plus costs you 6.99 euros monthly. Through the annual subscription, you get so cost-technically two months for free.
  4. Depending on the subscription model, you can cancel either monthly or with a notice period to the new year.

When does Disney Plus debit - the important dates

  1. When Disney Plus debits money from you depends on when you start your subscription.
  2. Sollten Sie beispielsweise das Abonnement an einem 15. des Monats starten, wird Disney Plus Ihr Konto im Folgemonat in der Woche vor dem 15. belasten.
  3. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass die kostenlose Probewoche nicht in die Rechnung mit aufgenommen werden darf.
  4. Bei einem Jahresabonnement verhält es sich übrigens gleich.

By Iain

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