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How much RAM does Windows 10 need? Here's how to find out!

The system requirements for Windows 10 are very important if you are thinking about upgrading. How much RAM Windows 10 needs is also relevant. You can look up how much RAM you have installed in the system information.

How to find out how much RAM Windows 10 needs

To find out how much RAM Windows 10 needs, you have several options. One option, for example, is the Microsoft website. There you will find a detailed overview of the minimum system requirements for the operating system on the Windows product page. If you didn't purchase Windows digitally, you can usually find the requirements on the packaging as well.

These are the minimum requirements Windows 10 needs:

  • Processor: at least 1 GHz
  • Memory: 1 gigabyte RAM for the 32-bit variant; 2 gigabytes for the 64-bit variant
  • Hard drive space: About 32 gigabytes of free memory
  • Graphics card: The graphics card must be able to display a screen resolution of 800 x 600 or higher and be DirectX 9 capable

How much RAM do I have?

If you are not sure how much RAM is installed in your computer, there are several ways to find out. So können Sie beispielsweise über die Systeminformationen herausfinden, wie viel Arbeitsspeicher Sie haben.
  1. Öffnen Sie dafür die Systemsteuerung.
  2. Dort finden Sie den Punkt „System“.
  3. Wählen Sie diesen an, erhalten Sie eine Übersicht, in der Sie unter anderem auch sehen können, wie viel Arbeitsspeicher Sie verbaut haben.

By Franklin Niwas

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