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How much RAM does my graphics card have? Find out!

The graphics card has graphics memory, which is either an extra built-in memory module or a reserved area of RAM. This extra memory makes it possible to speed up the calculations for image synthesis. In Windows, you can find out how much RAM your graphics card has in just a few steps.

How to find the RAM for your graphics card

To find out how much RAM your graphics card has, you don't necessarily have to navigate to your system's BIOS. Most of the time, you can look up the information in your operating system.
  1. To do this, go to Settings via the Windows Start menu.
  2. After that, select the "System" option and then "Display".
  3. At the very bottom of the window, you will find the "Advanced Display Settings" button. Click on it.
  4. Scroll down and then click on "Show adapter properties".
  5. Under "Graphics card" you will now find all the information regarding the hardware. Here the RAM memory is under the designation "Dedicated video memory". Note that 1024 MB represent exactly 1GB RAM.
  6. If you have an older version of Windows, you can view the same information under "Control Panel" > "System and Security" > "System" > "Windows Performance Index" and then under "View and print detailed performance and system information".
  7. The RAM memory is here in the "Graphics" section under the designation "Dedicated graphics memory". Again, the information is enumerated in Mbytes.

By Lumbye

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