HOME > Streaming > Sky Go: Picture Jerks - What Do You Have To Do?

Sky Go: picture jerks - what do you have to do?

A jerky picture while watching TV is not really fun. Where the dropouts come from is not clear to many users. Most of the time, however, the problem is obvious and can even be addressed directly in many cases.

Sky Go picture jerks - that's the reason

Most of the time, the jerky picture is simply due to a poor Internet connection. Of course, the device on which Sky is used may also have a problem.
  1. First check your internet connection. If possible, use Sky on a device with a connection via LAN cable.
  2. Restart the connection and also restart the router. This often solves many problems on its own.
  3. The device in use may currently be overloaded or overheated. Check the status of the platform on which you use Sky.
  4. Also software errors are not exactly rare a cause for lack of functionality. Look manually for available updates.
  5. Errors in the periphery used can not be ruled out. Überprüfen Sie alle angesteckten Kabel auf Ihre Funktionalität und tauschen Sie diese im Zweifel aus.

Mögliche Lösungen, wenn Sky Go ruckelt

  1. Starten Sie das Gerät neu, auf dem Sie gerade Sky nutzen.
  2. Suchen Sie manuell nach Updates und installieren Sie diese. Eine Neuinstallation der App kann ebenfalls hilfreich sein.
  3. Schließen Sie alle nötigen Kabel erneut an und wackeln Sie ein wenig am Anschluss, um einen Wackelkontakt auszuschließen.
  4. Führen Sie einen DSL-Speedtest durch, um Ihre Geschwindigkeit zu überprüfen.

By Tenner Glassey

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