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Doesn't show up in Explorer: Find iPhone X

If you connect your iPhone X to your PC but it doesn't show up in Explorer, your Windows won't recognize the device. Since there can be several causes for this, the task now is to track down the problem and solve it.

First Aid: iPhone X does not show up in Explorer

If your iPhone X does not show up in Windows Explorer, it may be due to either a software bug on the part of the iPhone or your PC, or a problem with the cable. First, it's best to check the hardware:
  1. Check if the connectors of the Lightning cable are properly plugged into the iPhone and the USB slot.
  2. Tap the cable for cable breakage.
  3. Plug the USB end into another socket.

Check software

In addition to the connectors and the cable, various software errors can be responsible for your iPhone X not showing up in Explorer. However, before doing so, make sure that no message has popped up on your iPhone. If it does, just tap "Trust".
  1. Restart both your iPhone X and your PC.
  2. Look to see if there are updates for both devices. In Windows search, simply type "Windows Updates" and look for available updates. Am iPhone navigieren Sie in den Einstellungen zu „Softwareaktualisierung“.
  3. Öffnen Sie unter Windows den Geräte-Manager, zum Beispiel über einen Rechtsklick auf das Windows-Symbol in der Taskleiste. Anschließend klicken Sie auf „Tragbare Geräte“, wählen Ihr iPhone per Rechtsklick aus und entscheiden sich dann für „Treiber aktualisieren“.

By Leveridge

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