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How to use GPS coordinates in what3words

The principle of what3words is growing in popularity, but is still nowhere near as common as GPS coordinates. If you want to use coordinates with what3words, we show you how.

GPS in all formats: what3words is compatible with the usual coordinates.

GPS coordinates are standardized data that are compatible with every map service. Consequently, this also applies to what3words.

Entering GPS coordinates in what3words - it's that easy

Accordingly, you can use GPS data in what3words in an uncomplicated way:
  1. Enter the GPS coordinates in the search bar.
  2. Then you will get to the matching point on the world map and also get the corresponding three-word address.
If you conversely want to convert a three-word address into GPS coordinates, this merely requires a change in the settings:
  1. Click "Personalize your sharing settings here" below the address input.
  2. Activate the "Latitude and Longitude" feature.
There you can also choose between the different GPS compliant formats, namely "Decimal Degrees", "Degrees, Minutes and Seconds" and "Degrees and Decimal Minutes". All formats are equivalent and equally suitable for navigation.

By Maynord Scarset

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