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Application: closing sentence - what you should pay attention to

The application is the first criterion to get a job. Besides the cover letter, there are some aspects you should pay attention to. Especially the closing sentence of your application is important, because it rounds off your letter. Here are some points to consider.

What you need to pay attention to in the closing sentence of your application

When you write your application letter, there are numerous aspects you need to pay attention to. But especially the concluding sentence is very important. There are numerous mistakes that can be made in this, plus it should round off your application completely. Since each company and the corresponding personnel departments can be very different, it is not always possible to know exactly what they expect from an application. In many cases, it is a good idea to first find out information about the company in order to be able to assess which closing sentence fits best.
  1. Make sure that you do not sound too pushy at the end of your application. It is often recommended to end your application with an inviting sentence. But this can seem unsympathetic in many cases.
  2. What is also disliked is the subjunctive. This is seen by many HR departments as too passive, which in turn represents uncertainty and doubt. This applies to all possible types of passive phrases. Schreiben Sie statt „Ich würde mich freuen, von Ihnen zu hören“ besser „Ich freue mich, von Ihnen zu hören“.
  3. Sinnvoll kann es sein, weitere Informationen im Schlusssatz unterzubringen, wie das Eintrittsdatum oder die Gehaltsvorstellungen. Meist wird in der Anzeige des Unternehmens erwähnt, welche Informationen zusätzlich benötigt werden.

By Thomas Etters

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