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Television via WLAN: What you need

Television no longer works exclusively via the TV. Anyone who owns a WLAN-enabled device has almost fulfilled all the requirements for enjoying television on the move. By using various streaming services, the TV program can also be enjoyed on the go.

Television via WLAN - this is how it works

Many television stations now offer their own streaming services and media libraries. Through an Internet connection, you can access these (partly) free of charge.
  1. The public broadcasters offer a free live stream as well as a free media library.
  2. To use these, you only need to switch with your device via WLAN to the website of the respective broadcaster and click through the website to the live stream.
  3. But be aware that with private broadcasters access can and will be different.
  4. To use the livestream there, you must in many cases log in with an account on the website and sometimes even book a subscription, through which you get monthly access to the content.

Streaming-Dienste nutzen

  1. Neben den Angeboten der bekannten TV-Sender können Sie auch auf Video-On-Demand-Dienste zurückgreifen.
  2. Anbieter wie Amazon und Netflix bieten durch ein Abonnement Zugang zu einer riesigen Mediathek, bestehend aus exklusiven Serien und Filmen.
  3. Dadurch können Sie zwar kein Fernsehprogramm sehen, haben jedoch dauerhaften und unbegrenzten Zugang zu Filmen und Serien sowie Dokumentationen und Blockbustern.

By Gerkman

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