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CS:GO - the most important console commands at a glance

Valve has been relying on the principle that all options and settings can be made within the game through a console for a very long time. Thus, you do not have to laboriously search for appropriate files and can make settings globally. This is also very practical for setting up and managing a server.

CS:GO - the most important console commands

The console is on display by default in Counter Strike Global Offensive. However, you can enable it via the key mapping options.
  1. Most important are commands for the HUD in CS:GO. Not every player prefers the same size and color of a crosshair. By using the command [cl_crosshairsize x] you can set the size variably.
  2. By using the command [cl_crosshaircolor] and a certain value you can also adjust the color of the crosshairs.
  3. Also crucial is the setting for right- or left-handed players within CS:GO. With the help of the command [cl_righthand x] you switch the weapon to the left side via the value [0].
  4. Also not to be underestimated is the display of the currently held FPS. Only in this way can you safely guarantee that current lags or glitches are caused by your Internet and not by the hardware. To do this, use the command [net_graph 1].
  5. Using the command [connect IP], where you change IP by a specific IP address, you can connect directly to the specified server.
  6. The same applies to the command [disconnect].

By Amandi Nicarry

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