HOME > Webdesign > Html Codes Formatting: Making Texts Stand Out On Websites

HTML codes formatting: making texts stand out on websites

The abbreviation HTML stands for "Hypertext Markup Language". HTML is used to structure text, images and other elements in websites. HTML thus forms the basic framework of all websites. Some simple HTML commands that every beginner should know are used to format texts.

Formatting texts with HTML

With HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, you can create the basic framework of a website. You use the various commands to arrange elements and define the individual sections of a website. This is done in an HTML document that is later uploaded to a web server and appears in the browser as a website. Texts that are later to appear on the website are also entered in the HTML document. With simple commands you can format these texts directly in HTML and thus write italics or bold, for example. More fancy designs and formatting can be done later with CSS. With this script language HTML elements are addressed to change their appearance. Dennoch ist es gerade am Anfang sinnvoll, die HTML-Befehle zur Formatierung zu erlernen, da Sie dadurch ein besseres Gefühl für HTML und die Funktionsweise der Sprache bekommen.

Die wichtigsten Befehle

  • Zentrieren: <center>Ihr Text</center>
  • Fett schreiben: <b>Ihr Text</b>
  • Kursiv schreiben: <i>Ihr Text</i>
  • Unterstrichen: <u>Ihr Text</u>
  • Hochstellen: <sup>Ihr Text</sup>
  • Tiefstellen: <sub>Ihr Text</sub>
  • Verschiedene Überschriften: <h1>Ihr Text</h1>, <h2>Ihr Text</h2>… <h6>Ihr Text</h6>
  • Trennlinie: Ihr Text <hr> Ihr Text
  • Neue Zeile: Ihr Text <br> Ihr Text

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