HOME > Webdesign > Html: Create A Heading - With These Codes It Works

HTML: Create a heading - with these codes it works

The basics in HTML are not complicated at all. When creating text, you can apply what you've learned right away. Our guide shows how to format headings in HTML.

Just a flick of the wrist: HTML headings are especially easy.

If you use a CMS like WordPress, you don't need to know these codes because the editor works visually. Still, it can't hurt to know basics like these.

How to format an HTML heading

Headings can be divided into several levels. H1 is the main heading, of which there can be only one in each document. For lower levels like H2 and H3, on the other hand, there are no limits.The HTML formatting is always the same:
  • Place the heading in H tags: for H1, that would be "<h1>content of heading</h1>".
  • Analogously, it goes for all other H levels. Consequently, the H2 tag corresponds to "<h2>Heading content</h2>".
There is nothing more to know about this: once the tags are inserted, the page recognizes the heading as such, and this helps both engines and readers to recognize the structure.

By McClain

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