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Cleaning a Laptop: Practical Tools and Techniques

With the right equipment, you can easily clean your laptop. For safety, you should always turn off the device and remove the battery when doing so. Above all, the laptop should never be connected to a power source. You must also remove external data media before cleaning.

How to clean your laptop

A dirty laptop is not only unsightly, gross dirt can also damage the device. Regular cleaning is therefore recommended. To do this, you only need a special cleaning agent and a suitable cloth. Switch off the laptop before cleaning and remove the battery and external data media.

Clean laptop step by step

  1. Display: Spray a suitable TFT cleaner onto a microfiber cloth and clean the screen with it from top to bottom. Do not use conventional glass cleaner or other cleaning agents.
  2. Keyboard: Remove dirt with compressed air spray or a brush attachment for your vacuum cleaner. To do this, set the device to the lowest setting. For a really thorough cleaning, remove the keys by pulling them off and clean them in a mild detergent solution.
  3. Fan: You can also carefully vacuum out the fan with the vacuum cleaner. You can also open the unit and clean the fan with compressed air spray. Alle anderen Teile im Innern reinigen Sie vorsichtig mit einem weichen Pinsel.
  4. Oberflächen: Alle anderen Bereiche des Laptops können Sie ebenfalls mit TFT-Reiniger und einem Mikrofasertuch säubern. Sprühen Sie dieses immer auf das Tuch und nicht auf das Gerät, damit keine Feuchtigkeit in die Tastatur gelangt.

By Jermyn

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