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Cleaning Laptop Display: Take Care

Over time, a display can also become quite worn. In addition to various damages that a display can take, dirt is also a point that many users underestimate. Cleaning your own display regularly contributes to the longevity of your device and makes it more pleasant to use at the same time.

Clean laptop display: What you need to do it

When cleaning your display, it is important to proceed carefully. Too much pressure or the wrong cleaning agent can leave significant damage.
  1. To begin cleaning, be sure to shut down your laptop and also disconnect it from all power sources.
  2. Now you can gently run a slightly damp microfiber cloth over the display, using gentle twisting motions to remove stains.
  3. For this purpose, special cleaning cloths or alcohol-based cleaning agents are particularly suitable.
  4. When buying, however, make sure that the agent is expressly suitable for screens.

This you should avoid at all costs

  1. When buying the cleaning agent, make sure that it does not contain any of the following substances: Azeton, Ethylalkohol, Toluen, Ethylsäure, Ammoniak oder Methylchlorid.
  2. Wenn sich Flecken nicht lösen, erhöhen Sie keinesfalls den Druck auf das Display, da sonst die Pixel sichtbar werden können.
  3. Ebenfalls wichtig ist, dass Sie das Tuch nicht zu sehr anfeuchten. Jegliches Wasser im Gehäuse kann zu erheblichen Schäden führen.

By Crowley Biesheuvel

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