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Cleaning an LCD display - here's how to do it

LCD is a screen technology that is built into modern televisions and displays. It involves arranging small crystals in such a way that they allow more or less light to pass through. In this way, different colors can be created. If you want to clean such a display, there are some points to consider.

What is the best way to clean an LCD screen?

Before you can clean the screen, you must first turn it off. If it is a laptop, then shut down the device. Now you need a microfiber cloth, some kitchen paper and a little window cleaner.
  1. Never spray the window cleaning solution directly on the monitor, but only on the microfiber cloth.
  2. Use only a little window cleaner at the beginning and wipe very carefully over the screen.
  3. Make sure that nothing runs down the screen and then dry the screen with paper from the kitchen roll.
  4. If you have a lot of dirt, rather rub more often and carefully over the spot, instead of using more window cleaner.
  5. If you also want to clean the outside of the screen, you can use a damp cloth. Make sure that it is not too wet, so that no water can penetrate into the vents.

By Stormi

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