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Android Q: Dark Mode - is the function available?

Until now, it was only possible for Android users to use a Dark Mode for individual apps. However, this will now change with the update to Android Q. All information about the availability of Dark Mode and how to set it up can be found here.

How to use Dark Mode on Android Q

For a long time, it was not possible to use a system-wide Dark Mode on Android devices. However, with the update to the new Android Q, it will be possible in the future for Android users to activate a Dark Theme, which displays not only individual apps, but all light surfaces in a dark design.
  1. If you would like to use the Dark Mode even before the official release of Android Q, this is possible by getting the third beta version of the operating system on your smartphone.
  2. However, this is only available for selected smartphones and you have to download the version manually from the Google Developer website.
  3. If you have installed Android Q Beta, please tap on the entry "Developer options" in the settings and activate the option "override force dark" there.

Dark Mode: Android Q offers these further innovations

In addition to the Dark Mode, you will receive further new features and improvements for your smartphone or tablet with the update to Android Q. For example, Google has equipped Android Q with a menu bar for better gesture control and made it easier to perform system updates. Also, with Android Q you get over 200 new emojis and have the option to change the design of the app icons and the font used.

By Bradan

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