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Excel: Round to integers - here's how to do it

If you want to prevent calculations or data sets in Microsoft Excel from displaying results in decimal numbers, you have the option to round up or down to integers. Learn here which functions you can use in Excel to automatically round decimal numbers to whole numbers.

Rounding decimal numbers to whole numbers: It works with this function

If you have decimal numbers in Excel and want to round them up or down to whole numbers, it works with the round function. The syntax of the function looks like this: "=Round(number;number_digits)".
  • For the variable "number", enter either a cell with a corresponding decimal number or the number directly.
  • Using the variable "number_digits", you specify to how many digits after the decimal point Excel should round up or down. For Excel to round to whole numbers, you must enter a 0 here.
  • If you enter a value greater than zero, the numbers after the decimal point will be rounded to the number of digits you specified. For a value less than zero, the part to the left of the decimal point is rounded instead of the decimal places.

Round up only or round down?

If you want Excel to either round up only or round down only, it works with the corresponding functions.
  • If you want a number to always be rounded down, it's best to use the round function: "=RoundUp(number;number_digits)".
  • If you want Excel to always round up only, it works with the following function: "=RoundUp(number;number_digits)".
The syntax of the round up and round down function is identical to that of the round function. Using the variable "Number", you specify the number to be rounded. With the variable "Number_Digits" you specify whether Excel should round to whole numbers or limit itself to the digits before or after the decimal point when rounding.

By Astri

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