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Excel: Round up - these options are available

In mathematical calculations, depending on the values used, it can quickly happen that there are numerous decimal places. However, if you would like to keep the values clear, you have the option of formatting a cell so that the entered result or the corresponding number is always rounded up.

How to round up values in Excel

With the Excel spreadsheet program, you have the option of creating worksheets with data records. If you would also like to evaluate these, you have numerous functions at your disposal with which you can subtract, add or otherwise format values. You can also display the results in a separate cell. If the result or another value has too many decimal places, you can format the cell so that the value is rounded up accordingly.
  1. To do this, activate the corresponding cell by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
  2. Then enter "=Round up()". Now you have to write an argument in the parenthesis.
  3. This consists of the cell in which the value to be rounded. Anschließend folgt ein Semikolon. Nun schreiben Sie noch, wie viele Nachkommastellen der gerundete Wert haben darf. Alternativ können Sie anstatt der Zelle auch direkt eine Zahl eingeben, die Sie runden möchten.
  4. Bestätigen Sie die Eingabe mit der „Enter“-Taste. Nun wird direkt der gerundete Wert angezeigt.
  5. Alternativ gibt es auch die Funktion „RUNDEN()“, die sowohl auf- als auch abrundet.

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