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What version of Excel do I have? How to find out

If you are having problems with Excel, it can be helpful to know which version of the software is installed on your system. You can usually find the relevant information via Excel's program settings. Microsoft has placed an info option there, in which you have all the important data in an overview.

Show Excel version - how it works

To find out what Excel version you have installed, it only takes a few clicks. To do so, follow these steps:
  1. Start Microsoft Excel on your computer.
  2. Click on "Account" at the bottom left of the navigation.
  3. In the "Product Information" column, you can find out what version of Excel you have installed - whether the Office 365 ProPlus package or the standard Office 365 version, for example.
  4. In addition to the "About Excel" item, you will also find the version number of your product.
  5. Clicking the "About Excel" button will also tell you whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit version of the software installed on your system.

Check for updates - how to keep Excel up to date

To keep Excel working properly, it is important that you keep the software up to date. Usually, updates are downloaded and installed automatically. However, you can also check for updates manually in the account overview. To do this, click on the "Update options" button and select "Update now" from the submenu. Excel will then check for updates and install them if necessary.

By Minnaminnie

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