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Linux: ping command - how to use it

You can use a ping command to find out which computers or servers on a network are reachable. The ping tool that allows this action is included with most Linux distributions as part of the normal installation.

Ping command: Syntax - what you need to know

Using the ping command, you can test the accessibility of other computers or devices over any network. This involves sending a short request via the Internet Control Message Protocol to a network subscriber, who then responds to it.
  • You must enter and execute the ping command via the terminal. The syntax of the command looks like this: ping [options] Target.
  • For the "destination" parameter, you can use either an IP address or a host name, such as www.google.de.
  • Note that there are two variants of the ping command: ping for IPv4 addresses and ping6 for IPv6 addresses.

Add options to ping command

In addition, options can be added to the ping command so that different actions are performed.
  • -c NUMBER: Replace NUMBER with a number to specify how many pings should be performed.
  • -w END: Use END to specify how many seconds the ping should be performed.
  • -W AUSZEIT: Über AUSZEIT legen Sie fest, wie viele Sekunden auf eine Antwort gewartet werden soll, bevor der Ping gestoppt wird.
  • -i INTERVALL: Soll der Ping in einem Intervall ausgeführt werden, müssen Sie den Ping-Befehl mit der Option -i INTERVALL ergänzen. INTERVALL wird dabei in Sekunden angegeben.
  • -I SCHNITSTELLE: Mit der Option -I SCHNITTSTELLE lässt sich festlegen, von welcher Schnittstelle der Ping-Befehl gesendet werden soll.

By Kiel

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