Star Citizen 3.11: New features and content at a glance
In early October 2020, update 3.11 finally made it to Star Citizen's live servers. Our guide lists the most important new features and changes to the space simulation.
After the big jump to Alpha 4.0 has been postponed indefinitely, the focus is on the updates that should provide progress since then. Version 3.11 continues the small steps.Star Citizen 3.11: These features are new
Star Citizen 3.11 brought the following new features:- The most important change is the elimination of no-gun zones. Inclined players can now open fire anywhere. However, consequences with law enforcement officers are then the result. The dynamics between players and between players and NPCs should thus be increased.
- The planets look nicer, as they have been redrawn and equipped with new textures.
- The physics model has also been further improved, so that forces now have a more realistic effect.
- The spaceship range has been expanded by three spaceships. These are Origin's 100 series, namely the 100i, the 125a and the 135c. The long-awaited Mercury Star Runner into the game, on the other hand, is still in the store on the status "In Concept".