Star Citizen 3.8: Features of the update at a glance
After 3.7 went down as a very successful step in Star Citizen history, the excitement for 3.8 was all the greater. In December, the update went live and we present the features.
Alpha 3.8 once again made Star Citizen a bit more extensive and lively.
According to the current schedule, Star Citizen should receive one major update per quarter. Alpha 3.8 appeared shortly before the end of 2019 and brought interesting innovations.This is new in Star Citizen Alpha 3.8
The most important innovations summarized here:- The new planet microTech was introduced and can be approached. The capital New Babbage also exists, but is not yet walkable.
- On microTech, the new weather model is vividly demonstrated. Icy winds and snowstorms are the standard there, also new are the effects on the HUD, such as raindrops and ice crystals.
- In addition, not 200 kilometers above New Babbage floats a space station in fixed orbit. The name is Port Tressler.
- With the new Argo Mole now exists a mining ship for up to three people.
- The new mission "890 Jump Hijack" is a big step for the PVE content.
- Working in the background since 3.8 das sogenannte Server Object Container Streaming (SOCS), das in späteren Versionen für deutlich bessere Performance sorgen soll.
- Außerdem sind nun unbewaffnete Angriffe mit der Faust möglich.