Star Citizen 3.12: The features and innovations of the update
Just in time for the 2020 Christmas season, Star Citizen entered its latest alpha phase 3.12. Our guide summarizes the most important innovations, changes and features of the last update of the year.
Hidden integration: large, dynamic events were announced with 3.12.
The alpha 3.12 listens to the title "Assault on Stanton". This already makes it clear that some changes are in the offing with regard to the battles in the solar system.What Star Citizen 3.12 brings
Here is an overview of the most important innovations- The peace around the rest stops will be kept in the future with a Navy version of the Idris. Players with high CrimeStat should therefore be prepared for a real challenge.
- Fittingly, the AI of the ships has been improved or expanded in several points. Thus, the ship AI can now recharge weapons and the AI-controlled turrets also work more independently. Even enemy torpedoes can be intercepted automatically.
- The latter falls under the larger scope of the so-called countermeasures v.1.1.
- The user interface for mining has been fundamentally revised.
- As new ships made it into the game Esperia Talon as well as the Shrike variant.