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The Witcher 3: Fighting with Geralt - Guide

In The Witcher 3 you fight with Geralt against numerous enemies. For this you have different swords and crossbows at your disposal. Besides, you can resort to the special abilities of a sorcerer. But there are other tips that will help you fight the monsters.

These tips will help you fight in The Witcher 3

To be able to stand up to the numerous monsters in The Witcher 3, the right preparation is very important. But also the weapon you use can bring you advantages, but also disadvantages.
  1. Make sure to always go into battle with full life.
  2. In addition, find out beforehand which creature it will be and which potions and bombs will be effective. Fill up the appropriate supply afterwards.
  3. With repair kits you then repair your equipment.
  4. If possible, always use the stronger armor and the better weapons. The various schemes you will find everywhere in the world of Witcher 3.
  5. Be aware that you do more damage to some enemies with a silver sword.
  6. Oils can also be helpful against some enemies. Kämpfen Sie beispielsweise gegen einen Wolf, hilft Verfluchten-Öl.
  7. Nutzen Sie zudem die Hexer-Fähigkeiten.
  8. Während des Kampfs weichen Sie mithilfe der Ausweichrolle den Angriffen Ihres Gegners aus.
  9. Versuchen Sie zunächst die Fernkämpfer zu töten, da diese meist den höchsten Schaden verursachen.
  10. Angriffe können auch geblockt werden. Dies kann jedoch bei größeren Gegner-Truppen erschwert werden.

By Haase Willies

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