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Change latex line spacing: This command is necessary

With latex, you can have several commands take a lot of work off your hands when creating large documents. It is possible to create bibliography, table of contents or the format uniformly. You can also set the line spacing this way at the beginning.

How to change line spacing in Latex

The format of a document can leave a certain impression on the reader. For this very reason, it is important, especially for long documents with a lot of text and images, to make them as consistent as possible. To change the line spacing as desired, there are different commands.
  1. First you need to insert the command "\usepackages{setspace}" at the beginning of the document.
  2. Here you can choose whether you want to set "doublespace" for double spacing, "onehalfspace" for 1.5 times the spacing or even "singlespace".
  3. Using the command "\usepackages[onehalfspace]{setspace}" you set the line spacing for the complete document.
  4. For certain areas you can also use a different line spacing. For this, you just need to enter "\begin{singlespace}" at the beginning and "\end{singlespace}" at the end of the desired area.
  5. To be able to set any line spacing, you need "spacing". Then you can write a number in curly brackets to it, which specifies the spacing. For example, this could be "\begin{spacing}{10}". Again, you can end the section with "\end{spacing}{10}".
However, to format your document consistently, it is worthwhile to set the line spacing at the beginning for the entire document.

By Jenni Kura

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