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Rename WLAN - how to change the network name

If you use a WLAN router, its network has a name defined by the provider by default. To rename the WLAN network and set your own name, you again need access to the router's user interface. We will show you how to access this and change the WLAN name here.

This is what you need to do to rename your WLAN

If you don't like the name of your WLAN network or if it is too similar to the names of other WLAN networks in your area, you can change it. This is easily done via the router settings. How you get into the settings again depends on the type of router.
  1. To do this, open any browser on your computer and enter the IP address of the WLAN router to load the user interface of the device.
  2. If you are prompted, please enter your password there to log in to the router configuration page.
  3. Now navigate to "WLAN" or "Settings" and look for the entry "WLAN Name" or "SSID" respectively.
  4. Now set a new name for your WLAN there and save the change to complete the renaming.

Rename WLAN: How to set a new password

In addition to the possibility of changing the name of your WLAN, a change of the associated WLAN password or network key is also feasible. To do this, open the router's user interface as described above. Then look for the entry "Network key" in the "WLAN" area and enter a new password in the field next to it before confirming it by clicking "Apply" or "Save".

By Forrester Gennarelli

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