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Delete YouTube - how to remove the app from your device

If you no longer want to use YouTube, you can simply delete the app on your smartphone. By doing so, you create storage space that can be used for other applications. Depending on your device, the process may vary.

Delete YouTube: this is how it works

If you do not use the YouTube app on the go, then it is not worth saving it on your phone. In this case, you should delete the application. By doing so, you will free up storage space and your smartphone will have more resources available. However, before you delete the app, you should make sure to log out properly.

How can you delete the YouTube app?

Before uninstalling an app, you should always log out, otherwise you will remain online permanently and will not be able to change this. This makes you vulnerable to hack attacks and your password can be determined if necessary.
  1. First you need to log out of the app. Tap in the app for this on the profile icon, then on "Switch account > Manage account/Logout > Remove account".
  2. Hold the app after that on the home screen. Do this until the icon starts to wiggle. Jetzt können Sie auf das Kreuz tippen, um dieses zu löschen beziehungsweise im Kontextmenü „Deinstallieren“ auswählen.
  3. Funktioniert dies nicht, öffnen Sie die Einstellungen Ihres Telefons und finden Sie das Menü „Apps“ oder „Anwendungsmanager“. Suchen Sie dort in der Liste nach „YouTube“ und wählen Sie „Deinstallieren“.

By Brigitte Baranski

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