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Scan individual files online for viruses

Nowadays it is important to protect yourself from malware. Various antivirus programs and your firewall can help you with this. However, it is still possible to get a virus on your computer via emails or a file you have downloaded. To protect yourself, check individual files for viruses.

How to check individual files online for viruses

Viruses can gain access on various devices by installing software or opening unknown emails. Antivirus programs can help you ward them off, but it is also important to be careful when downloading files. Would you like to check individual files online for viruses, this is also possible with the appropriate software.
  1. Open a suitable website such as VirusTotal in your browser.
  2. Using the "Choose one" button or the free input field, you can select a file from your hard drive and upload it to the page.
  3. Using the blue "Scan" button, you then start the scan.
  4. VirusTotal then scans the file with up to 49 antivirus programs.
  5. After the scan is complete, you will see all the programs and whether something suspicious found.
  6. If no virus is found, a green tick appears, otherwise a red cross is displayed.
  7. Here you can also see which virus it is.

By Stila Shumock

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