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Turn off Unified Deamon - how to do it

The "Unified Deamon" app is a background application on Android devices. It is used for sharing location data with various apps. In some cases, the app may consume too much data or crash. This can lead to further problems.

How to turn off Unified Deamon

Unified Deamon runs in the background of your Android smartphone and is used by various other apps. For example, the weather app uses Unified Deamon to provide location data. Unified Deamon is actually not a separate app, but a summary of all the data usage of various apps.
  1. Unified Deamon cannot be disabled directly. You can only restrict the total data usage.
  2. You can change this in the settings on your smartphone.
  3. So go to the "Data Usage" option in the settings.
  4. Select the "Unified Deamon" item here.
  5. Then set a longer update interval to reduce data consumption.
  6. If you are using a newer Android version, you can limit the data consumption via "Settings" > "Data Usage" > "Weather Deamon". However, this mainly applies to the weather app. Den Vorgang wiederholen Sie anschließend für alle betroffenen Apps.
  7. Zu den betroffenen Apps gehören neben dem Wetter-Widget, Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! News und auch der Alarm, die Uhr und der S Planner. Auch die Datennutzung der Kamera fließt in Unified Deamon mit ein.

By Ondrej

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