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Mouse beeps when clicked: How to turn it off without problems

The mouse is probably one of the most important input devices of the computer. If a setting on the PC is wrong and the mouse beeps with every click, this can be very unpleasant in the long run. Unfortunately, there are different sources of error for this problem, all of which are solved in a different way.

Why does the mouse beep when clicking?

There are very different approaches to the problem of the mouse beeping when clicking, and unfortunately no general solution. Some users have been helped by the following.
  1. It may be that the electrical signals from another device in the immediate vicinity are interfering with the signals from the mouse, and this is the reason for the beeping. Therefore, check all devices in your vicinity and turn them off. If the beeping still occurs, it is not because of that.
  2. Try to use a different keyboard. Possibly your keyboard is slightly defective and for this reason produces the beeping when the mouse clicks.
  3. Possibly there is also a bug in the software. Uninstall the mouse driver and install a new driver. To do this, enter "Device Manager" in the bottom left of the Windows search and press Enter. Unter dem Reiter „Mäuse“ finden Sie die Maus. Machen Sie eine Rechtsklick auf den Namen und wählen Sie „Treiber aktualisieren“.
  4. Gehen Sie in die Systemsteuerung und dann weiter auf „Erleichterte Bedienung“. Hier finden Sie die Einstellungen für die Maus. Überprüfen Sie diese und setzten Sie sie zurück.

By Kara-Lynn

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