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Thermomix Firmware Update - update your device

In addition to the Thermomix you can also purchase the Cookidoo. This allows you to connect to the internet. This is not only relevant for new recipes, but also for the Thermomix firmware update.

How to update the firmware of your Thermomix

If your Thermomix is connected to the Internet, the device will inform you as soon as an update is available. You will then see the corresponding information on the display and can decide whether you want to update now or later.Additionally, you can manually check for a Thermomix firmware update. The following instructions apply to the Thermomix TM5 and to the TM6:
  1. Start the Thermomix and make sure you are connected to the Internet.
  2. Open the settings in the menu and switch to "Thermomix Version & Update".
  3. Here you can install the latest firmware update and at the same time see which version you have already installed.
  4. While the firmware update is being installed, you cannot use the device. Das kann einige Minuten in Anspruch nehmen.
  5. Sobald die Installation abgeschlossen ist, kochen Sie wieder wie gewohnt.

Das müssen Sie über ein Update wissen

Während des Updates darf der Cookidoo nicht entfernt werden, da sonst Fehler in der Software entstehen können. Sollten Sie nach einem Update Probleme bemerken, wenden Sie sich direkt an Ihren Thermomixvertreter oder an den Support von Vorwerk.

By Sidney Canham

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