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CoD MW: View FPS - how to see your frame performance

The frame rate, also known as FPS, is a particularly important criterion in shooters. In CoD Modern Warfare on the PC, there is an option to display the FPS. Read how it works.

However faster: In CoD MW, high FPS values are definitely an advantage.

The new CoD Modern Warfare does not require a high-end computer for a smooth game. Strong hardware is nevertheless helpful.

CoD MW: How to see the FPS

In contrast to Steam, the FPS display for games in the Blizzard launcher is not set globally. You have to enable the info directly in Modern Warfare:
  1. Open the "Options".
  2. Select "General".
  3. In the "Telemetry" section, set the "Frames per second (FPS) counter" option to "Enabled".
The display appears in the top left corner. In addition, you can display other info, such as the server latency, the temperature of the graphics card or its time.

By Brewster

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