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Using JustCloud on Windows 8: How to back up data

JustCloud is a cloud service provider that offers to back up your data to the cloud. The service exists alongside many other services such as Google Cloud or iCloud. You can also use JustCloud on Windows 8 to store your data.

How to use JustCloud on Windows 8?

To use JustCloud, a cloud provider, on Windows 8, you first need to create a customer account and then install the required software.
  1. If you don't already have a JustCloud account, simply create one with a free 14-day trial. To do this, simply go to the JustCloud website and press "Login" at the top. Enter your email address and desired password to create an account.
  2. After registering, you will automatically be redirected to a page where you can download the JustCloud software for your operating system. Once the download is complete, double-click to start the installation of JustCloud for Windows 8.
  3. Use your credentials to log into the installation wizard.
  4. Now you can select the directory you want to back up to JustCloud. By default, "Pictures", "Desktop" and "Documents" are enabled here.
  5. Now when you press "Next", the backup of the folder will be uploaded to the cloud and updated once a day. So all new data will be backed up automatically.
For your data security you should note the following: Unfortunately, the servers are not located in Germany and for this reason are not subject to data protection laws.

By Shuma Babloo

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