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Key combination screensaver - how it works

With Windows 8, the classic screensaver on PCs also disappeared and was replaced by the lock screen. Nevertheless, even in the current version of Windows you can still find the option to use a classic screensaver. We show you the key combination

Key combination screen saver: How to set it

Before using a screen saver, you must first configure it in the settings menu.
  1. Open the settings by clicking on the gear in the Start menu.
  2. In the menu, click on "Personalization" and within this item, click on Lock Screen.
  3. There, click on "Screen saver settings" and select a screen saver in the selection.
  4. Now specify from how many minutes of inactivity the screen saver starts and confirm this with "OK".

How to start the screensaver by key combination

After configuring a screensaver, you need to create a shortcut.
  1. With the combination [Windows key] + [R] you call a search window, in which you enter the term.
  2. In the search box that appears, now enter [*. scr]. Thereupon, the screensaver is displayed.
  3. By right-clicking on the mouse, you can create a shortcut. You confirm this with "OK".
  4. Nun klicken Sie auf „erstellte Verknüpfung“ und weiter auf „Eigenschaften“.
  5. Im nächsten Fenster können Sie dann im Feld „Tastenkombinationen“ eine individuelle Tastenkombination zur Aktivierung des Bildschirmschoners festlegen, zum Beispiel [Strg] + [Alt] + [B].

By Silvana

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