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Google Docs: create a survey - here's how

Google Docs is available for your desktop device as well as on your mobile devices via the app. This gives you the ability to collaborate with others to create and edit a document. You can also create and evaluate surveys on various topics. Only a few steps are necessary for this.

How to create a survey in Google Docs

With Google Docs you have the possibility to create and manage documents. In addition, you can create surveys and design them according to your wishes.
  1. Log in to Google with your account data.
  2. Click here on the top left on the menu icon, which is represented with three horizontal lines.
  3. Select the "Drive" entry to switch to Google Drive.
  4. To create a survey, first click on "New" at the top left.
  5. In the menu, then click on "More" to see more options.
  6. Here, click on "Google Forms" and then on "Blank Form".
  7. Now you can click on the respective components to rename them. Also add a description of your surveys.
  8. Under "Questions" you have the option to create new questions with possible answers. Sie können hier auch ein Bild hinzufügen.
  9. Unter „Antworten“ dagegen sehen Sie die Antworten, die die Befragten angegeben haben.
  10. Über das Auge sehen Sie zudem eine Vorschau der Umfrage.
  11. Sobald Sie alle gewünschten Änderungen vorgenommen haben, schicken Sie Ihre Umfrage über den „Senden“-Button an verschiedene Teilnehmer.

By Demetri

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