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Settlers 7: Civilization works with these tips

Settlers 7 is a real-time strategy game released in 2010. During the game you have different ways to win a round - via trade, your science or the military. There are numerous tips to help you win.

These tips will help you win Settlers 7

In Settlers 7, you can play the campaign or compete against other players. In addition, you win by expanding trade, in science or with your military. The latter is done by defeating the other players by destroying their castle.
  1. If you want to take neutral sectors in Settlers 7, it is a good idea to take them by means of bribes instead of waging war.
  2. For this you first need enough gold. Then click on the outpost of the sector and select "Bribe" in the menu.
  3. Here you will now see the number of coins needed. With three pikemen costs a sector around the 30 coins.
  4. Build also fishing huts to your forest huts to always provide plenty of food. Also, always pay attention to the expansion of your civilization to get more fertile soil and more resources.
  5. If you still do not know, help various cheats. Hierfür müssen Sie während des Spiels auf die Enter-Taste drücken und können anschließend verschiedene Cheat-Codes eingeben.

By Barna

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