HOME > Gaming > Steam: Enable Voice Chat - How It Works

Steam: Enable Voice Chat - how it works

If you are registered on Steam and use the Steam client on your PC, you can chat with your friends while playing. For this to work, it is only necessary to enable voice chat. We will show you how to do it.

Enable Voice Chat: How to use Steam

Steam is a gaming platform where you can find more than 30,000 games. Once you have registered on the platform, you'll have the possibility to buy and download games, organize your own tournaments and chat with your friends while playing. For this to work on the PC, however, you need the Steam client, which is completely free to install.

How to enable voice chat in the Steam client

Thanks to voice chat, Steam gives you the option to communicate with your friends while playing together. While for a long time it was only possible to chat with others in the game via external means of communication, this is now possible directly in the Steam client. To use the voice chat, but before the following procedure is necessary for activation:
  1. Please open the installed Steam client on your PC and click there in the menu on "Friends & Chat".
  2. Suchen Sie anschließend nach einem Freund, der gerade online ist, klicken Sie dessen Namen mit der rechten Maustaste an und wählen Sie die Option „Sprachchat beginnen“ aus.
  3. Bei der zweiten Option klicken Sie bitte unten rechts im Fenster auf das „Mikrofon-Symbol“ und senden einen Chatanfrage an einen Ihrer Kontakte. Sobald dieser durch Klicken auf „Beitreten“ akzeptiert, ist die Nutzung des Voice Chats aktiviert.

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