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Login problems at GMX - this is the cause

GMX is one of the most popular email platforms and is used by many people. But it can happen that an error occurs when logging in. This problem can have several causes. However, you may have simply entered the wrong data.

Why is there an error logging in to GMX?

If there is a problem logging in to GMX, it can be due to several reasons.
  1. Possibly, the email address or password is simply wrong. Check carefully that you have entered the correct email name and password.
  2. It may also be that you have typed your password incorrectly too many times. Namely, this will cause the error "Unable to log in at this current IP address for a certain period of time". This function ensures the security of your account, because thereby no one unknown can break into your account by the brute force method (test passwords until one fits).
  3. Have you found out the error, restart your router. Damit bekommen Sie eine neue IP-Adresse zugeteilt.
  4. Erhalten Sie eine statische IP vom Provider, also keine neue, können Sie auch versuchen, sich über einen Proxy-Server zu verbinden. Dadurch sieht es für GMX so aus, als würden Sie sich über eine andere IP-Adresse einloggen.

By Gareth Goudie

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