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Login problems with Netflix - what you can do about it

With Netflix, streaming movies and series has become increasingly popular. In doing so, you pay a fixed amount per month and have access to the entire content of the service through your account. If there are problems logging into your Netflix account, this can have different causes.

This is behind problems logging in to Netflix

Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services. All you need is an account and pay a fixed monthly fee. After that, you can log in at any time using the user data you set and choose a movie or series you want to stream. If there are problems with the login, this can have different causes.
  1. First check whether you are using the correct email address. Also, enter your password again to rule out errors here as well.
  2. Another way to fix the problem is to delete the Netflix cookies. After that, you will be automatically logged out of your account and will have to log in again.
  3. In some cases, the problem may be that you do not allow cookies to be stored in the browser. Gehen Sie hierfür auf die Einstellungen Ihres Browsers und wählen Sie „Erweiterte Einstellungen anzeigen“ > „Datenschutz“ > „Inhaltseinstellungen“.
  4. Unter „Cookies“ aktivieren Sie nun die Option „Speicherung lokaler Daten zulassen“.
  5. Achten Sie zudem darauf, dass Ihr Browser immer auf dem neusten Stand ist.

By Morlee Wellings

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