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WoW Classic: What are era realms? We explain

Since the revival of WoW Classic, the servers created specifically for it have been busy. Along with the announcement of The Burning Crusade for WoW Classic, era realms were also announced.

Time stop: everything remains the same on era realms despite TBC Classic.

The background to these special servers is that not all Classic players feel like making the move to The Burning Crusade (TBC).

WoW Classic: That's why there will be era realms

Thanks to so-called era realms, these players can continue to play WoW Classic without an expansion.
  • Because on certain era realms, The Burning Crusade will not be uploaded at all. Classic fans who want to stay quite purist in WoW without expansion can consequently do so.
  • At the same time, there will also be era realms for TBC Classic. Per character copy, you can even clone your character to independently play both Classic and TBC Classic on era realms.
  • The clone feature, however, will not be available for free.
It should be noted that all currently existing Classic servers will automatically start in the TBC era. Falls Sie dies nicht möchten, müssen Sie also zu einem der kommenden Ära-Realms, die speziell für Vanilla-Classic gedacht sind, wechseln.

By Moffitt Macie

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