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Word alternatives: free programs

Word is the standard program when it comes to word processing. However, the application has some disadvantages. Firstly, the program requires a fee, and secondly, it cannot be used on Linux. Fortunately, there are some alternatives where you don't have to sacrifice features.

What alternatives are there to Microsoft Word?

Word may be the most widely used program for editing and creating text documents, but there are many other programs that are worth a look. Word's biggest competitors are open source programs. But cloud services like Goole Docs are also preferred by more and more users.

Practical word processing programs

  • OpenOffice Writer: The program offers the same range of functions as Word, but is free of charge. It is open source, which is interesting for programmers. Unlike Word, the program can also be used under Linux.
  • LibreOffice Writer: The program is similar to OpenOffice in most functions. However, one advantage is that updates appear more frequently for LibeOffice, making the program more up-to-date and secure.
  • Google Docs: This is a simple word processing program that you do not need to install. It is used in the cloud and is available for free. The advantage is that all documents are in the cloud and can be edited by multiple people in real time. This is a great time saver for projects with multiple participants. You can also edit the documents on iOS and Android.

By Jezebel Maura

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