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Where does the term Bluetooth come from? All information

Bluetooth is a standard that can be found in almost every device nowadays. With it, you can create a wireless connection between two devices via radio. The term Bluetooth comes from English and translates to "blue tooth."

The origin of the term Bluetooth simply explained

When you connect two devices via Bluetooth, a point-to-point connection is created. You can then transfer data within a certain range. This is useful if, for example, you want to output music from your smartphone through a Bluetooth speaker. Even though the term is widely used, it is rarely known where it comes from in the first place.
  1. Bluetooth originates from English and translates as "Blauzahn".
  2. The name itself is derived from the Danish Viking king Harald Blåtand. The king was supposedly called "Blauzahn" because he often ate blueberries and his teeth appeared blue during this.
  3. Blåtand was a navigator who was known for uniting Norway and Denmark in the 10th century. The countries should from now on as an administrative unit without any borders. This is said to have achieved the king mainly by his skills of communication.
  4. For this reason, the name "Bluetooth" was chosen. Denn auch der Übertragungsstandard soll ein universales Mittel zum Datenaustausch sein. Sobald ein Gerät Bluetooth unterstützt, kann es sich mit anderen Geräten, die ebenfalls Bluetooth unterstützen, verbinden – unabhängig von anderen Spezifikationen der Hardware.

By Kiri

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