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What is Open Source? What's behind the term

To perform various functions and work on your computer, you need appropriate software. However, if a software does not support certain features that you would like, some programs allow you to view the source code and extend it under certain licenses. These programs are considered open source software.

What is open source software

When you come into contact with various software, you usually encounter the term open source. The code of this software is freely available, so open to everyone. Well-known software like Firefox or OpenOffice belong to this kind of programs. But there is more to consider with open source software.
  1. With this type of program, you have the opportunity to view the source code and also change it.
  2. The program file you can then continue to use and modify.
  3. For the most part, open source is about free programs. However, the term is also used for paid software, but these are exceptions.
  4. Note that different open source software run under different licensing terms. There are numerous licenses, but you should definitely look at before using the software.
  5. The most widely used license is the "GNU General Public License". This specifies that you may modify and distribute the source code. However, you must also allow the person to do so. Changes must also be made recognizable within the code.

By Reichel Cepin

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